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Find out more

  • Can I register at any time?
    Yes! Registrations are open throughout the year. You can get in touch via our 'contact us' form to register your class interest.
  • Can my child trial the classes?
    Yes, we offer your first class for free to ensure that your child enjoys the class and wishes to continue.
  • Do I stay in the class with my child?
    No. We encourage the children to participate in their classes without parent and/or guardian support. However, we offer a 'watching week' at intervals during the term (normally at the end of each term) which are communicated in advance. NOTE: All students should be fully independant in personal care.
  • What should my child wear for their first class?
    There is no need to purchase the Emma Jane Dance uniform ahead of your childs first class. Please wear comfortable clothing which will allow easy movement. Children must attend classes with appropriate footwear i.e. ballet shoes or no-slip gripping socks. No bare feet are allowed due to Covid-19 restrictions. It is requested that students that wish to continue with classes post trial purchase the Emma Jane Dance formal uniform by the third class. Full uniform can be found here.
  • Does my child need to take dance exams?
    Examinations are offered to all pupils but not mandatory. Children who are looking to take examinations through the school will be able to when they reach the required competency. The school believes in providing students the opportunity to express themselves, their talents and feel a sence of achievement through the examination process. Emma Jane Dance is a member of 'The Dance School Company' (TDSC) examination network to allow grading within dance. Those choosing not to proceed with examinations can gain certification and recognition of their achievements through our International Dance Rewards (IDR) programme, which includes certification and badge similiar to the badge systems used in swimming and gymnastics.
  • How do I pay my fees?
    Invoices are sent via the Emma Jane Dance portal. There is the option to pay by debit or credit card in full or partial payments. All fees need to be settled by the end of the present term and due date indicated on the invoice.
  • Are you able to cater for students with additional needs?
    Emma Jane Dance is a fully inclusive dance school and all children are welcome at the school, including children with disability. Please contact us to discuss specific requirements ahead of booking. We offer a trial week to establish adjustments required to accomodate children with additional needs.
  • Do you offer private tuition?
    Yes. This is normally for competition / examinations preparations. As far as normal syllabus classes are concerned, if a pupil needs extra coaching we can offer such lessons. We are also able to offer audition coaching for children of all ages. This may include preparation for vocational dance colleges.
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